Monday, March 14, 2005

So Hot :)

Amazing is all I could think when he walked into my room, having to duck just to get inside. 6 feet 11 inches tall, my neck hurt after just 3 seconds of looking at him. I didn't mind, I actually kind of liked it, and that's why I think that tall guys are also the sexiest. My friend however disagrees.
Sexy to me deals with mostly physical appearance, such as defiant features, long strong legs, nice tone, and a good ass. However, looks aren't the only thing that I find sexy in taller men. Of all the guys I have dated, I find that the taller ones seem softer spoken, they usually only say things that are worth hearing and intelligent, and intelligence to me is also sexy. ( I undeserved that not all tall guys are smart, but I am basing this on my own experience only) I think taller men carry themselves differently too: more confidently, confidence to me is sexy. So as I was telling this to my friend she randomly rolled her eyes, saying that shorter guys are sexier because they are easier to kiss, more compatible to dance with and they look more proportional. I replied with this: "you don't have to stand up to kiss, he can pick you up when you dance, and always can be deceiving". She still count imagine that I think a guy is sexy just because he is tall. She told me good things come in small packages, however I think that sexy things come in BIG packages. I described how sexy the tall guys I've dated were and she agreed with me that tall guys are people you can always look up to. This conversation ended at that, when a tall guy knocked on the door and came in, once again having to duck to get inside. My friend and I disagree on a lot of things, but I think I am staring to convince her that on this one, I am right. I can prove this from the look on her face when she sees the men, the tall sexy men.


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